Postmodern Alchemy
Postmodern 1. characterized by irony, mockery and humor, parody, reactions against the philosophy and practices of modern movements 2. marked by diversity of historical and /or cultural styles 3. exhibiting attitude, invoking the unconventional 4. described as too complex to be characterized with one simple set of stylistic criteria
Alchemy 1. the medieval art, science and speculative philosophy aspiring to transform base metals into gold, discover a universal cure for disease and a means of prolonging life indefinitely 2. the process of changing something common into something special.

shoebox pedestal

enamel on copper

glass tubes contain fragrant paper punchings

restored found fiberglass mannequins with modifications, backpack and rolling suitcase

stainless steel mesh

silver boxes, enameled “jewelry,” Tiffany blue

capsules contain ground-glass enamel

shark, lizard, opossum, lemur, monkey, gorilla, man, woman

stainless steel chain mail

cast iron skillet, hand-polished to mirror finish

back of vitrine lists health benefits


real amber, faux flies